
  • I am a: Man

    Looking for a: Man

    Age: 36 (07-07-1988)

    City/Town: The Bronx

    Postal Code: 10452

    Country: United States  United States

    A Little About Me

    **Trying this**

    Hopeless romantic!

    I’m not looking to change my current situation - I highly value discretion and honesty. I have a unique love for secrets - shh, I’ll take it to the grave!

    If we can create an emotional connection, it will be priceless(not that we have to) - it is easy to lose oneself in the changing fortunes of life.

    I enjoy the quiet nights with the smell of passion in the air, the morning coffee in the middle of a winter welcoming the day with the warm feeling of your memories, I love looking at you in a room full of people and smiling about what only you and I know, I love to create memories, and I’d love to bring a bottle of wine and a life full of mistakes; mistakes that kiss so good, that will take us to heaven.

    If you are not interested, just say it - feel free to write back "Not Interested".

    Photos & Videos

    Join Date: 3 years ago. • Last Activity: 3 years ago. • Views: 78


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