
  • I am a: Man

    Looking for a: Woman

    Age: 38 (01-06-1986)

    City/Town: Manhattan

    Postal Code: 10026

    Country: United States  United States

    Height: 5 ′ 9 ″ – 174 cm

    Weight: 16 sts – 225 lbs – 102 kgs

    A Little About Me

    Father. Paramedic. Son of God
    Faith Is In The Storm. Not In The Calm Of Life"

    I believe true faith is our trust in God. And that He has a plan and purpose for the storm and that theres a reason we are experiencing it. True faith will tested beyond measure in our darkest hour. Do not give up hope!

    I'm one of the most loyal friends/mate you could encounter, and long as the mutual respect is reciprocated. I'm a father to a bright, funny 7 year old boy . I enjoy my down time at the gym and watching sports. Don't hesitate on messaging me to know more about me!

    Photos & Videos

    Join Date: 7 years ago. • Last Activity: 7 years ago. • Views: 319


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